Review Cuboid Mini
Recently, in the market of electronic cigarettes there has been such intense competition that manufacturers, perforce, are forced to constantly stir up public interest with loud premieres. And although truly revolutionary “devices” are published not so often (it is understandable, it is always difficult to come up with something fundamentally new), each new product is even superior to its predecessors by at least one key indicator. An exception to the established rule could be considered an electronic cigarette eGo AIO from Joyetech, but it turned out to be outstanding in its own way, just in its case the manufacturer did not rely on a powerful filling, but on a record low cost of the device. In general, the trend, as they say, is obvious.

In this situation, Joyetech is acting much faster than direct competitors – no wonder, the status of a market leader obliges you! Releasing the next flagship, the company’s engineers immediately begin to develop its smaller version, designed for connoisseurs of compact solutions. Notice, we deliberately say “reduced” rather than “simplified” – the younger models use a top brand board in their work and are practically not inferior to the older brothers in technical specifications. However, the introduction has dragged on, it’s time to get to the bottom of the question: in the review we have a miniature battery mod Cuboid Mini, and not one, but complete with the self-titled clearomizer. Looking ahead, we say that the next ready-made kit from Joyetech made the most pleasant impression on us, and if you have been thinking about buying something special for yourself, you can pre-order Cuboid Mini on our website now. For the rest, we propose to master the entire text of the review – we will find a lot of interesting things!

And we will start, already traditionally, with a set of deliveries, especially since here a couple of pleasant surprises await us. The box is made in the traditional Joyetech style: the image of the device on the front side, brief information about the model and the composition of the kit on the back. Opening the box, we find the Cuboid Mini box mod with the clearomizer already installed. We take out an electronic cigarette and look at the lower tier. There we are waiting for a standard USB / microUSB cable, a pair of mouthpieces, an Allen key (we will return to it) and a whole set of evaporators, as they say, for all occasions. Let’s see what we are offered here: one brand new heating element of the NotchCoil type with a resistance of 0.25 Ohms, an evaporator on stainless steel BF SS316(0.5 Ohm), a Clapton-type BF series evaporator (1.5 Ohm) and a serviced BF RBA Vertical modification. Well, so that it would be easier for the user to understand in which situation it is better to use this or that heating element, the manufacturer added a small card with recommendations to the set – they are set out in a completely accessible table, so that owners of electronic cigarettes should not have problems with understanding.

Construction and appearance
Obviously, the Cuboid Mini battery pack and the self-similar clearomizer were developed with an eye on each other – the devices literally look together as a whole. Here, excuse me, another small lyrical digression suggests itself. We have long been accustomed to the fact that the classic “cylindrical” electronic cigarettes are gradually becoming a thing of the past, giving way to more practical and compact box mods . At the same time, even the most popular and modern clearomizer modelsstill resemble the notorious cylinder in shape. The current situation seemed to suit everyone, but this time the Joyetech engineers decided to bring everything to a common denominator. In general, something like this could be expected – it has long been known that these guys are not afraid of bold decisions! And, in principle, such a solution has been asking for a long time.
The Cuboid Mini battery mod, as the name implies, is an almost exact reduced copy of the past flagship from Joyetech. All the same rectangular case, identical OLED display, dual key for additional adjustments, USB port for connecting a charger, top-end board and a similar version of firmware. What has changed? Firstly, the dimensions of the case: the updated “Cuboid” noticeably lost weight in all proportions and looks much more compact than its predecessor. It is clear that for less weight you have to pay less autonomy, and here lies the second difference between the new product and the older brother: unlike the base model, which worked on two replaceable 18650 batteries, Cuboid Mini is equipped with one built-in 2400 mAh battery. We’ll talk about the technical capabilities of the mod a bit later,

The main feature of the Cuboid Mini Clearomizer is its shape. Manufacturers have previously tried to increase the volume of the tank due to the larger diameter, but few have decided to make the case of the device completely rectangular. As a result, the Cuboid Mini Clearomizer looks very compact and is perceived as a natural extension of the battery pack. Yes, and the electronic cigarette itself, thanks to this decision, turned out to be very squat and smart. Judge for yourself: its height, together with the complete mouthpiece, is 124.5 mm, width – 35.5 mm, thickness – 22.5 mm. Cuboid Mini is very comfortable in the palm of your hand and causes a steady grasping reflex – you literally don’t want to let it go!

And most importantly, the original form of the clearomizer had the most favorable effect on its usable volume – the built-in Cuboid Mini tank is able to hold 5 (!) Milliliters of liquid. For such a compact “atom” the result is simply fantastic! For the rest, the device borrows technical solutions tested by the manufacturer in previous models of the company line. The case is a monolithic “glass” with an upper refueling system, which, in combination with the upper arrangement of the air ducts, completely solves the problem of leaks. Draft adjustment, a mount for evaporators and a mouthpiece pad are also located on the top of the structure – we already saw a similar multifunctional cover in eGo AIO and CUBISso there’s nothing much to be surprised at. In short, for the external implementation of the Cuboid Mini electronic cigarette, we put the Joyetech engineers a well-deserved “five”! The choice of available colors is decent, but no more than that: for now, we are offered devices in steel, gold, black, white and gray.
Features and Functionality
The compact size is just fine, but still the main advantage of the Cuboid Mini box mod is a powerful board that has proven itself in the eVic VTC Miniand the older “cuboid.” Honestly, the possibility of updating the firmware, at one time announced by Joyetech as an almost revolutionary option, was at first a little skeptical – it was hard to believe right away that the potential of the “stuffing” really depends on the installed software. Now that the skeptics are confounded, and the release of updates has been put on stream, we can only admire the capabilities of the company board – and there is something to admire, believe me. Against this background, the fact that the Cuboid Mini box mod works out of the box on software version 3.0 looks a little strange – for example, for the same eVic VTC Mini there has long been a firmware with an index of 3.11. In defense of the manufacturer, we say that work on optimizing software for the new mod is already underway, the only question is when exactly will it be available for download.
However, even without it, the functionality of the new product is in perfect order. Even in the basic version, the modes of varivatt, mechmod, thermal control (under nickel, titanium and stainless steel), as well as the user mode TCR are available to us. Experienced vapers have all known each other for a long time, but to clear our conscience, we will still dwell on each of them in a little more detail. So, in the varivatt mode, you can independently adjust the power in the range from 1 to 80 watts, thereby adjusting the taste transfer and the amount of steam generated by the device as you wish. In Bypass mode, the Cuboid Mini battery pack starts working on the principle of a mech mod: the higher the battery charge, the more power the device will give out. Temperature control option, when using evaporators of the appropriate type, it will help optimize fluid flow and minimize the appearance of a burning taste even if the cotton filler is not sufficiently saturated with the mixture. The heating temperature of the spiral is adjustable in the range from 100 to 315 ° C. Finally, the TCR mode, designed for the most experienced steam workers and amateurs of bold experiments, allows you to manually set the resistance coefficient of the spiral material and use windings from specific alloys. The permissible resistance range for varivatt and mechmod is 0.1-3.5 Ohms, for temperature control modes – 0.05-1.5 Ohms. As you can see, Cuboid Mini can do everything that a modern box mod should be able to, and in the future the functionality of the device will only expand. We are waiting for the new firmware version! The heating temperature of the spiral is adjustable in the range from 100 to 315 ° C. Finally, the TCR mode, designed for the most experienced steam workers and amateurs of bold experiments, allows you to manually set the resistance coefficient of the spiral material and use windings from specific alloys. The permissible resistance range for varivatt and mechmod is 0.1-3.5 Ohms, for temperature control modes – 0.05-1.5 Ohms. As you can see, Cuboid Mini can do everything that a modern box mod should be able to, and in the future the functionality of the device will only expand. We are waiting for the new firmware version! The heating temperature of the spiral is adjustable in the range from 100 to 315 ° C. Finally, the TCR mode, designed for the most experienced steam workers and amateurs of bold experiments, allows you to manually set the resistance coefficient of the spiral material and use windings from specific alloys. The permissible resistance range for varivatt and mechmod is 0.1-3.5 Ohms, for temperature control modes – 0.05-1.5 Ohms. As you can see, Cuboid Mini can do everything that a modern box mod should be able to, and in the future the functionality of the device will only expand. We are waiting for the new firmware version! The permissible resistance range for varivatt and mechmod is 0.1-3.5 Ohms, for temperature control modes – 0.05-1.5 Ohms. As you can see, Cuboid Mini can do everything that a modern box mod should be able to, and in the future the functionality of the device will only expand. We are waiting for the new firmware version! The permissible resistance range for varivatt and mechmod is 0.1-3.5 Ohms, for temperature control modes – 0.05-1.5 Ohms. As you can see, Cuboid Mini can do everything that a modern box mod should be able to, and in the future the functionality of the device will only expand. We are waiting for the new firmware version!

Device in operation
Well oh well, who cares about dry numbers, when you can pick up an electronic cigarette in your hands and try out its capabilities! As you probably already guessed, the clearomizer and the Cuboid Mini box mod “dock” through a standard 510 type connector. But the question is: why then do we need the hex key we mentioned at the very beginning of the review? Everything is very simple – with its help you can firmly fix the clearomizer in the desired position. All that is required of you is to align the devices relative to each other, insert the key into a special groove on the side of the clearomizer and tighten it properly. The operation is simple and is performed, in fact, once, since under normal conditions there is no need to disconnect the clearomizer from the battery pack. Next, we take out the clearomizer cover from the box and screw the necessary replaceable evaporator into it. As a test subject for our experiment, we chose the same NotchCoil with a resistance of 0.25 Ohms – according to the manufacturer, it produces almost a standard taste transfer at a power of up to 70 watts and is ideal for hookah tightening. Check it out!
Turn the “cover” 180 degrees and set the drip tip. The kit, if you remember, includes two mouthpieces at once: steel with a wide air duct and plastic with a narrow spiral. Decide which one to prefer, yourself – they both cope with their tasks with dignity. It remains only to select a suitable liquid and pour it into the tank through the hole on the upper edge of the clearomizer. Keep in mind that you do not need to fill the Cuboid Mini tank under the dome – when refueling, focus on the upper border of the viewing window located on the side of the device. We twist the lid, adjust the air supply using a special ring, which is located exactly under the connector for the mouthpiece, and turn on the box mod five times by pressing the activation key. We decided not to risk it and set the power to 60 watts. Having made a few idle puffs we proceed to the “field test”. The first impression is excellent: a sea of taste, an ocean of steam, more fun! The only thing that upsets a little is the noticeable heating of the mouthpiece. Obviously, soaring at such a power will require a drip tip more authentic. However, reducing the power to 45 watts, we get what we wanted – excellent “parity”, deep taste transfer and quite comfortable mouthpiece temperature. Thus, the new Joyetech electronic cigarette was tested successfully by battle! However, no one doubted. reducing the power to 45 watts we get what we wanted – excellent “parity”, deep taste transfer and quite comfortable mouthpiece temperature. Thus, the new Joyetech electronic cigarette was tested successfully by battle! However, no one doubted. reducing the power to 45 watts we get what we wanted – excellent “parity”, deep taste transfer and quite comfortable mouthpiece temperature. Thus, the new Joyetech electronic cigarette was tested successfully by battle! However, no one doubted.

Honestly, the final part of the Joyetech e-cigarette reviewmore and more often it turns into an empty formality – often it all comes down to listing the many advantages of the new product, and the disadvantages have to be drained from the finger. We immediately warn that this will happen this time too. Compact size, top refueling system, leakage protection, top-end features and the broadest functionality, a wide selection of evaporators, flexible traction control, updated firmware, a huge tank, decent autonomy – these are only the Cuboid Mini advantages that come to mind in the first place! The device has every chance of becoming a real hit and can easily interest both beginners and experienced steam workers. We would really like to avoid high-profile epithets, but we have to admit: the Joyetech Cuboid Mini electronic cigarette is just a bomb!