Minimalism in all its manifestations (Eclipse 18350 from Elcigart)

Good night to all vapers and all those who once again looked at our information blog, where we constantly acquaint you with new products and not only devices that periodically appear from one or another manufacturer. Today I have a portion of information for all those who cannot imagine their vaper life without stel devices, in other words, without small, tiny devices. I am sure that among the entire vaping community, there is the lion’s share of such lovers who prefer a small format. Under the gun, we have Elcigart , by the way, which has impressive experience in creating a variety of devices for vapers in the mod category, they also have good “mechanics” and squonkers, in general, if you like the hero of our review, a mechanical mod entitledEclipse , then without a moment of hesitation visit the official website of the manufacturer’s company and be sure to get acquainted with all the assortment they offer, maybe something will fall under your preferences. Well, the reason for getting acquainted with the current model of the mod was a small update from the company, which just the other day offered new colors for its device, but still in its original form this mod looks much more pleasant and attractive. Well, let’s get to know each other …

Well, for starters, let’s take a look at the box, and then look under the lid. Since the mod is small in size, the packaging itself is not so big, at first you might even think that this box contains an ordinary atomizer, but then you remember that this is a mod mod for batteries with a factor format of 18 350 and everything falls into place . We have no bonuses in the box, unfortunately there are no bonuses. The package is limited only by the mod itself and a special fabric to give the device a pristine shine. Well, also in the box you will find a warranty card, which is the standard equipment for any such kind of device from other manufacturers.

Appearance, what can I say, the name of the topic speaks for itself. Minimalism in everything, it can be seen not only in the size of the device, but even in the design, a minimum of engraving, a minimum of structural elements. In the general mod for those who like the direction of minimalism in the design of vaping devices. Here, perhaps, just right to say about the size of this device. The height of the mod is approximately 54.3 mm, and the diameter is 24 mm, with such dimensions, the mod weighs only 71 grams, and this provided that the case is made of stainless steel. Until some time, the mod was available only in steel, just recently some color solutions have appeared, so if you do not like the steel version, discuss the appearance with the manufacturer when ordering and tell him about your preferences and desires.