Joyetech eGo One review

At the moment, the market for electronic cigarettes is oversaturated with a wide variety of devices and it often seems that it is simply impossible to come up with something fundamentally new. In such conditions, manufacturers willingly have to make a lot of efforts to attract sophisticated buyers to the next novelty. Last year in this regard was perhaps the most significant – models of all possible shapes and sizes were presented to our attention, and the average power of the devices reached a qualitatively new level.
eGo One – One for all!
And already this year, Joyetech engineers issued an eGo One electronic cigarette to the public , noteworthy for several reasons.
The most interesting thing about it is the combination of extremely compact sizes (due to the use of a completely new board) and a very decent maximum power.
At the same time, the manufacturer himself in every possible way hints that the new model is designed for the widest possible range of steam workers and can easily become the next massive hit. It is no coincidence that even the official slogan of the model in translation into Russian sounds like “one device for all.” Is this statement of reality? Let’s get it right. Review Joyetech eGo One promises to be interesting!
Delivery Set
By tradition, we will start with the standard delivery set. At first glance, there is nothing unusual here: a battery pack with a battery, an atomizer with two replaceable evaporators in the kit (we will dwell on them below), metal and plastic mouthpieces, a USB cable with a network adapter and a user manual. In general, everything you need is present.

Externally, the eGo One electronic cigarette looks impressive. However, we did not expect anything else from Joyetech: the build quality is as high as always, and the case is made of brushed stainless steel. At the top of the battery pack is an activation button made of the same steel, equipped with a lock function and an LED charging indicator. At the bottom there is a USB port for connecting the appropriate cable. The place was chosen very well: during charging, you can put the cigarette “on its feet” or lay it on its side at your discretion. A trifle, it would seem, but it’s nice that the manufacturer thought about our convenience. Of course, there is also the standard passthrough function (the possibility of hovering during charging).
EGo One Specifications
The “inner world” of eGo One turned out to be much more interesting! To begin with, a very high-quality USB port is installed here – the same ones, for example, are used in modern smartphones. More importantly, it does not rest on external soldering, as was the case recently, but on internal, that is, it is almost impossible to pull it out of the board during operation. In theory, this should completely solve the urgent problem a la “the port fell off, charging does not go.” On this point, Joyetech engineers performed the work on the bugs to “excellent.”
Well, a truly revolutionary solution was the use of a compact board, the development of which the best Chinese minds worked for almost a few months.
The result exceeded all expectations – a new motherboard literally a few millimeters high is located in the case not vertically, but horizontally, which made it possible to painlessly shorten the battery pack by almost two centimeters. As a result, we get a really compact device, which with a diameter of 19 mm. even in the female palm it looks elegant and elegant.
In order not to be unfounded, we arm ourselves with the usual ruler and conduct simple measurements. It is worth noting that the electronic cigarette Joyetech eGo One is presented in two versions – with a battery for 1100 or 2200 mAh, respectively. In the first case, the block height is only 58 mm., In the second – 85. As a result, the device fits easily into any pocket and does not take up extra space. The weight of the assembled e-cigarette eGo One even in the maximum configuration does not exceed 100 grams.

The complete atomizer is also implemented in two variations. The only fundamental difference between them is the capacity of the built-in fluid reservoir – 1.8 or 2.5 ml. The indicators are far from record, but in this case a giant tank is not needed: refueling is elementary, and it is unlikely that it will be necessary to fill the mixture more often two or three times a day. The atomizer is equipped with a standard 510 type connector, so if you wish it can be used with most modern batteries .
Immediately above the connector is the traction control ring. We saw something similar on Delta 19, with the only difference being that a scroll lock is provided here. There is no particular benefit in it, but it can be useful to someone.
In general, the thrust here is simply excellent. In the maximum open position of the air ducts, you can almost breathe through the atomizer!
In the central part of the atomizer body there are narrow viewing windows designed to control the liquid level. They resemble slots in the visor of a medieval knight and, strictly speaking, these “windows” could have been made bigger, however, they still cope with their main task.
A rather interesting approach to the use of evaporators deserves special mention , which clearly illustrates the proverb “everything ingenious is simple.” The fact is that the ability to manually adjust the power of the device using buttons or a virtual interface is not provided here.
Instead, the manufacturer proposes the use of new generation CL interchangeable evaporators with a resistance of 0.5 and 1 Ohm, respectively. Such a solution at first seems ambiguous, but in practice it turns out to be very convenient.

The first copy operates at a power of 20 watts, soars like a real steam locomotive and guarantees a tangible “blow to the throat” even with a liquid of a small strength. The second evaporator fixes the power at around 10 watts and is generally more suitable for beginners, especially since the taste transfer here is also in perfect order.
One vaporizer of each type is included in the standard delivery package – it’s enough to make up your mind. Perhaps you will focus on one of them, or prefer to use it in turn, but it’s worth trying them in practice and comparing the sensations anyway.
Another interesting feature of the new interchangeable evaporators is the extremely large winding spirals arranged in an unconventional manner. If earlier we used to see one or two (and in some places three) horizontally arranged small spirals with internal wicks made of silica in a replaceable evaporator, then everything decidedly turned upside down in CL evaporators. In each of them there is only one spiral, but unusually large – we expect to see this size, rather, not in replaceable evaporators, but in serviced atomizers .
The growth of the physical size of the spirals is logical – this is necessary so that the evaporator can “digest” high power. And in order to place such a large spiral in a small replaceable evaporator, I had to deploy it by 90% and place it vertically. At the same time, the air duct and the wick changed places – the air duct passes inside the spiral, and the liquid is supplied from the outside.By the way, we can see the same design of the evaporator in the Joyetech Delta II model, where it provides power up to 50 watts!
According to our observation, this design of the evaporator, in addition to being able to produce a sea of steam at high power, also has one more feature – increased TX, that is, a “throat kick” so valued by many vapers. On eGo One, even the “six”, that is, a liquid with a strength of 6 mg / ml, which until recently was considered light, can seriously impress.
This could end the eGo One review if it were not for the question that we posed at the very beginning. Have Joyetech engineers managed to create a truly universal model that can impress both beginners and longtime vaping fans? Definitely yes.

The first premiere of 2015, without exaggeration, opens a new page in the history of electronic soaring. An unprecedented ratio of power and compact size, excellent “parity”, ease of use and variability in everything – from this point of view, eGo One simply has no competitors.