Heritage The Milkman Fluid Review

Good day to all again! I hasten to please you with a new subjective look at The Herkman’s liquids from the Heritage line
According to the initial idea, Milkman fluids offered to appreciate the multifaceted tastes of milkshakes and stood out among others by the design of their boxes – they were stylized as packages of milk. However, the manufacturer did not focus on what was achieved, and against the backdrop of a growing popular love for his mixes, he began to expand and complement the Milkman family.
The Milkman Heritage line has only 3 flavors, made with a focus on tobacco, which tells us that the “milkman” is ready to surprise not only lovers of milk flavors, but also those who prefer tobacco astringency.
As usual, the testing method is as follows: I prepare the devices, distribute them to my colleagues, without giving a description of the taste, after which they try the liquid, try to guess the components and express their impressions. After that, they are informed of the declared taste and they express an opinion how much this corresponds to reality.
For today’s review, we used a bunch of Digiflavor Siren 2 MTL GTA and the Wismec Sinuous V80 box mod , the winding is a 6- turn Nused Chrome Fused Clapton with a resistance of 0.80 Ohm. Power is 20 watts.
Bottle Volume: 60 ml
Base Ratio: 70VG / 30PG
Strength: 3 mg
Taste orientation: Tobacco
First autopsy control: Yes
Child Protection: Yes

Milkman Heritage Red
Flavor: Strawberry Tobacco
TX Very good, despite the strength of 3 mg. The taste is very soft, original, before that no one has made such a tobacco. Tobacco, by the way, is weakly felt. Milk is mixed with tobacco and an unrealistic original taste is obtained. It will definitely go to constant. The taste is similar to Skills Jet.
Taste – Strawberry with tobacco
Yes strawberries, but it’s not pure strawberries. It’s like there’s some kind of additional flavoring, apparently milk. Tobacco, milk and strawberries are cool balanced and give an original taste.
In general, I do not really like milk. But when combined with tobacco and strawberries, this is generally not so bad. I wouldn’t take it for myself, but it would be easy for a lover of sweets “Alpen Liebe” as a gift! I would say so – 5 out of 10.
Well, actually, this is strawberries with tobacco.
Tobacco is weak, milk interrupts it. But due to the tobacco note, the liquid as a whole is paribal.
Despite the cool flavor of the tank itself, I can’t make out the taste. I felt cream and some kind of caramel. Tobacco is not there. And the finish is pleasant. Maybe tobacco would ruin this taste. In my opinion, tobacco should be either pure tobacco, or it is no longer tobacco.
I AM:In general, this is tobacco with strawberries.
Really? Some … I don’t know. If there is strawberry, show me it, I don’t see it.
<Then Denis poured liquid into his Joyetech Exceed Air atomizer and tried it on his device.>
“I really tasted the fluid on my tank. Strawberry really comes to the fore and soft creaminess follows it. You can give as an example sweets such types of strawberries with cream. I think that this is the most successful liquid in the line. “

The Milkman Heritage Smooth
Flavor: Tobacco with caramel and vanilla
Creamy cream, I smell creamy cream. Maybe the creamy notes are brighter and richer than in the previous taste, but the taste is very similar.
<As you can see, in this case the taste was not guessed.>
I can’t make out the taste … some burnt sugar and somewhere in the distance echoes of vanilla. Yes, the taste of something set on fire with a little fleeting creaminess. I did not like.
Taste – tobacco with vanilla and caramel
Oh, great, it means that for my inner “gigi” not everything is lost.
There is absolutely no sweetness. Only tart tobacco, something like Joyetech USA Mix – that’s something from there. I think it’s ashy tobacco. TX is good. For fans of tart, but not bitter, it is very suitable. Good such a premium tobacco.
In general, this is not just tobacco, there is also vanilla and caramel.
I didn’t feel any caramel or vanilla there. There are no milk notes inherent in the lineup either.

Flavor: Tobacco with cream and honey
Light tobacco with a hint of astringency. Not sweet and not bitter, something in between. One hundred percent will be permanent. There are no harsh shades. A healthy balanced tobacco strength with milk. TX is very good!
I feel the combination of caramel, vanilla and tobacco. Sweetness remains only on the lips, the steam itself is calmer.
Cream and Honey Tobacco
There is no honey at all, otherwise I agree. There is no nasty honey response in other lines.
The same creamy cream, only a little more saturated, sweetish. TX I do not feel, it is not at all. I don’t feel a tobacco too. Just a sweet liquid, but not sugary.
In general, it is tobacco with honey and cream.
The cream is felt, but there is no honey, but it does not smell like socks, unlike many honey liquids.
Pure tobacco, a direct alternative to regular cigarettes. I would take one for myself every day and would definitely not break off. Slightly sweet, but not cloying. In my opinion there are notes of vanilla yet. TX is quite soft.
Here tobacco is honey and vanilla.
I do not like honey and it seems that it is not there at all. Although there is a sweet touch in the aftertaste, perhaps it is. But it is nice that it does not irritate with its smell.SUBJECTIVE OPINION
Together with my colleagues, I also tasted all the tastes presented and revealed a favorite. Most of all, the taste of Gold came to me due to the fact that it is really well balanced and in it you can find notes of astringency, as well as sweetish shades in harmony with tobacco.
Least of all I liked the taste of Red – it had gone too far from the tobacco base, but lovers of berry mixes should definitely try it! This taste is noteworthy in that it does not have a sugary sweetness, so it can not be boring for a long time.
In my opinion, the ruler, albeit a small one, was a success! All three tastes have their own character and are very different from each other, so there is no difficulty in choosing a favorite.
Vardex was with you, we are already preparing for you even more reviews on the latest news, so drop by us often, it’s delicious with us!