iJust 2

iJust S
About a year and a half ago, Eleaf introduced the world to the iJust 2 electronic cigarette , which, without any reservation, can now be called a living legend in the vape industry. The model showed truly outstanding features at a very modest price, and most importantly, set a new (and very serious) standard for all devices at the starting level.
The second “hijast” was a real triumph of democracy, as it enabled even the most inexperienced steam-smokers to touch the world of “cloud chasing”. Not requiring the user any special skills in winding spirals, he confidently gave out power of more than 50 watts, and in terms of the amount of generated steam he could easily compete with almost any serviced device. Just one button, replaceable evaporators and a huge tank – charged, refueled, and let the clouds in. Perhaps the most affordable electronic cigarette “fried” like a real steam locomotive!
However, progress does not stand still, and Eleaf understands this simple truth no worse than you and me: iJust 2 veteran was replaced by his younger brother – iJust S. It’s time to figure out whether the newcomer can outshine the famous predecessor and, in the best traditions line, give out “a lot of steam for not much money.
Design and Features
In general, iJust S is made strictly in the image and likeness of an older brother, but there are enough differences here. The newcomer, in comparison with his ancestor, turned out to be much more “well-fed” – this is due to the manufacturer’s laudable desire to slightly increase the device’s autonomy, using capacious and large battery cells. The decision, in our opinion, is absolutely correct.
The height of the device assembly is 139 mm, diameter – 24.5 mm. The expanded “waist” allowed Eleaf engineers not only to fit a more capacious 3000 mAh battery in the iJust S, but also to equip the electronic cigarette with a capacious tank for 4 milliliters of liquid.

The issues of diameter compatibility with all other batteries and clearomizers of our hero are of little concern – he, like his predecessor, is good precisely in the form of a set “out of the box”. However, standard 510 connectors are used here, so if you really want to, you can carry out any upgrade to your taste.

Electronics and protection
As expected of the next generation model, the iJust S electronic cigarette is assembled with the latest technology. In particular, there is a double, “super reliable” protection from everything in the world – from short circuits, and from overcharging or overdischarging the battery. In short, you can’t be afraid of any unpleasant surprises – great news for those who are looking for a ready-made and most convenient device to use in every sense. Otherwise, everything remained more or less the same. There is only one operating mode, with direct voltage supply from the battery to the evaporator. Just in case, let’s explain that in iJust S the amount of steam generated by the device directly depends on the current battery charge: the higher it is, the more “taste” you get on the output.
An informative OLED display is not provided here, but you can control the current charge level using a special LED located exactly under the iJust S activation button. By the way, the key itself has changed a bit – it is now rectangular with three notches that are clearly visible both by sight and by touch. . The button size is convenient, the indicator is located behind it, its bluish glow is clearly visible in the gap between the button and the case. Under the USB-connector for connecting the charger there is another small “light” that glows during charging. The passthrough mode is, of course, present. In general, there is nothing more to say about the battery: it has not changed much compared to iJust2, except that (as we mentioned above) it has become thicker and received a battery cell with more capacity.

Clearomizer iJust S
But the iJust S clearomizer has undergone much greater changes, and these changes have clearly benefited the baku. The diameter of the tank corresponds to the size of the battery pack – 24.5 mm. We have already talked about the capacity of the tank: 4 milliliters – the indicator for these times is very good. Even taking into account the solid maximum power of the device, the tank’s capacity meets all the requirements of a modern smoker. It is also interesting that in addition to the diameter of the clearomizer, the method of refueling has also changed. The improvement, by the way, is very significant: the traditional (and not too convenient) lower gas station is finally a thing of the past, long live the upper gas station! The iJust S clearomizer top cap is decorated with a special thread – using it as a stop, the user can easily twist the tank cap and pour liquid into the tank through elongated filling holes. Simply,
It is interesting that earlier such a refueling system was used only in expensive and status tanks from Eleaf (the same Melo 3, for example), so in this sense iJust S is really made according to flagship standards.
And yet, the “hijast” would not be the “hijast” if it did not bear any signs of saving. In this case, everything turned out a little blood: the developers saved exactly on what the owners of iJust 2 did not use anyway. This is a system for adjusting the air supply – if you remember, it was implemented quite simply, with an external silicone ring, partially or completely covering the openings of the air ducts. At iJust S this system as a whole has been preserved: the set has a very similar silicone ring with slots, but here, as in the case of the predecessor, you are unlikely to use it – in order to “pile” it, you will need the lightest traction. And she, by the way, is really very light, even the most demanding vapers will be pleased.

Replaceable evaporators
With replaceable evaporators, the iJust S e-cigarette is in perfect order. To begin with, the new model is fully compatible with all heating elements of the EC type, sharpened for operation in the varivatt mode. However, it is unlikely that you will have to use evaporators of the previous generation: especially for iJust S, the masters from Eleaf developed a completely new ECL heating element. The letter “L” in this abbreviation, obviously, means the word “Large” – in ECL evaporatorsreally noticeably enlarged holes for fluid supply. Of course, all this was done for a reason! Both the huge liquid feed openings and the resistance reduced to 0.18 Ohm serve a very specific purpose: according to the manufacturer, the iJust S confidently digests thick “glycerin” liquids, which makes it possible to consider it as a complete ready-made device for soaring premium segment mixtures.

Device in operation
Naturally, we decided to test the capabilities of the iJust S electronic cigarette in action, and Noon premium liquid was chosen as a test samplewith seasonally suitable “autumnal” taste. After properly soaking the evaporator with liquid, we proceed to refuel the tank. By the way, no problems were found when using a glass pipette (standard for premium mixes) – the iJust S filling holes were wide enough, which in this case was very helpful. We do a good long puff and exhale with a feeling of deep satisfaction. What can I say: there is a lot of taste and truth, a couple – it’s just that the sea is draft. The ECL vaporizer for iJust S handled the glycerin fluid brilliantly! It is interesting that even with sharp intense puffs, there is no hint of a “garik” in sight, which, combined with the lightest air supply, allows you to blow whole clouds of fragrant steam. Eleaf engineers definitely worked on the new evaporators for good reason!
General impressions
As you may have guessed, the iJust S electronic cigarette made us very happy! Excellent autonomy, compact size, excellent taste and light traction – for the model, relatively speaking, the start-up segment from Eleaf demonstrates just a wonderful set of advantages. For a fairly modest amount, we get the most convenient device to use, capable of soaring no worse than many top-level electronic cigarettes. In general, we send iJust 2 on a well-deserved rest and welcome its worthy heir – iJust S!
The novelty not only retained the best features of the “classic” model, but also acquired its own pleasant “chips”. Given the traditionally affordable price, the status of the best-seller iJust S electronic cigarette is guaranteed.