Saving electronic cigarette

Probably, everyone who is at least somewhat interested in this topic has heard about the numerous advantages of electronic cigarettes. The use of components that are safe for health, the absence of an unpleasant odor, the convenience and the maximum ease of maintenance – these advantages are so obvious that even inveterate skeptics can not dispute them.
Another thing is the financial side. For many smokers, electronic vaping seems to be an almost elitist process, and therefore very expensive. We must say right away that this common misconception is completely untrue. What explains the popularity of this error? There are several reasons at once:onebig start-up investments scare some,2second repels the presence of consumables,3while others simply rely on the opinion of a poorly informed majority.
Today we will try on the image of professional “destroyers of legends” and try to refute this myth in practice.
In fairness, it is worth noting that ten years ago, when electronic cigarettes only began their triumphal march around the world, the price of pleasure was really quite high. Over the past years, the situation has changed radically – in the conditions of the highest competition, manufacturers are increasingly striving to interest users not only with interesting new products and unusual technological solutions, but also at the most attractive price. Naturally, to an uninitiated person the cost of top models may seem excessive now, however, practice shows that with regular use even the most advanced models pay off very quickly.

Each smoker, comparing the cost of electronic and conventional cigarettes, first of all asks himself: “If a pack of familiar cigarettes costs me N rubles, why spend money on new-fangled electronics, which costs several times more?” The question is reasonable, but let’s look at the situation with another example. Imagine that due to circumstances you have to rent, say, a car. At first it seems profitable, but over time you realize that the total amount of rental payments has long exceeded the cost of a new car. It’s the same here: yes, your first, even the simplest electronic cigarette will cost much more than a pack of good cigarettes, but if properly handled, it will last a very long time and will require much less investment in the future.

Over the past couple of years, prices for high-quality cigarettes in our country have increased several times, and by November 2014, on average, rose to one hundred rubles per pack. Forecasts for the future also cannot be called optimistic: according to various sources, in the near future their value can easily exceed 200, or even 300 rubles! Under such conditions, the advantages of electronic vaporization become even more obvious.

In order not to be unfounded, we move from theory to practice. Smokers with long experience, choosing their first electronic cigarette, almost always look for a model that is as similar as possible in size and shape to a regular cigarette. Satisfying this simple and understandable desire is not difficult at all, since there are plenty of such instances on the market. As an example, the Eleaf iKiss model , which can be purchased in Vardex branded stores for just 950 rubles, is perfect. For this money, you get an electronic cigarette that is completely ready for use, which remains only to be filled with a suitable aromatic liquid. Prometey mixes are a good place to start– bottles containing 10 ml will cost about 100 rubles. This volume is quite enough to fill the iKiss clearomizer about ten times to the eyeballs.
Now the fun part is: how quickly will the fluid be consumed? The indicator is purely individual and depends on the needs of each specific smoker. Beginners in this regard break all records, since at first they practically did not release an electronic cigarette from their hands. It is generally accepted that a viper with established habits on average uses from 2 to 3 ml of fluid per day, that is, two small bottles will be enough for at least a week. In addition, periodically you will have to change the evaporators – a set of five pieces in the case of iKiss will cost 390 rubles. Each of them is able to let through about 30 milliliters of the mixture, which means that one pack should be enough for almost two months.
What do we have in the end? Based on these calculations, our expenses for two calendar months (including the purchase of an electronic cigarette, vaporizers and the right amount of liquid) will be 3900 rubles. An avid smoker, accustomed to printing a new pack of cigarettes every day, will spend more than five and a half thousand during the same time. The difference is already obvious, but imagine what the savings would be if the prices of regular cigarettes doubled?

However, we will be objective: the “starter kit” described above is good in the early stages, however, almost every vaper begins to look towards more powerful and long-playing products over time. Such, for example, as an electronic cigarette Ego AIO D16 from the industry leader, the company Joyetech. In addition to a larger tank, it has a tenacious battery and high power output. Decent features provide excellent vaporization and an amazing taste experience – it is no coincidence that this model almost immediately after the release became a real bestseller. The model can be purchased at Vardex stores for 1350 rubles.

And now we’ll arm ourselves with a calculator and repeat our simple calculations. Even with active vaping, the Ego AIO D16 will cost less than regular cigarettes after three months of use! Against this background, all the talk about the high cost of electronic soaring seems, to put it mildly, baseless.

I would like to emphasize that in both cases we are talking about popular and relevant models, almost the best in their form factors. Both iKiss and Ego AIO D16 are exceptionally successful electronic cigarettes that can satisfy the demands of the vast majority of smokers and do not require excessive financial costs.
Before you finally close the “money” topic, it is definitely worth mentioning the top devices designed for real vaping enthusiasts. Of course, here the price range will be much wider. So, the powerful in all respects battery mode eVic Supreme paired with the Delta 23 clearomizer will cost fans 10 thousand rubles.
How justified by such a high price, everyone decides for himself, however, over a long period of time, even expensive models are more economical than simple cigarettes. And how much you will save health at the same time – you can’t count with any calculator!